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The OKABRA BRAHMAN stud is one of the leading and largest Brahman studs in Southern Africa. Our stud cattle are meticulously selected and reared under a compulsory Brahman society inspection procedure with scientific selection methods based on the internationally renowned BREEDPLAN performance recording scheme.

OKABRA BRAHMANS has supplied hundreds of Brahman bulls not only to the commercial and communal farming sector but also to various stud breeding enterprises within Namibia and to our neighboring countries.

The inception of the OKABRA BRAHMAN stud in 1987 was based on principles and practices of extensive cattle farming enterprises of the broader family for over a century in the northern savannahs and bushveld of Namibia. Cattle-ranching was the core family business and with it comes along a successful history of sustainable beef production. Our mission is to strive for excellence in farm and stud breeding management practices to produce adapted Brahman stud cattle with the application of modern breeding techniques with high accuracy estimated breeding values for growth, fertility and carcasse traits in order to increase the profit base of commercial and communal livestock producers. We strive to manage the natural resources on an optimally sustainable basis. Our core values endorse integrity and honesty, the respect for a work force committed to success, to satisfy our customer needs and to enthusiastically embrace the challenges of tomorrow.


There are plenty of bulls and good genetic material available throughout Southern Africa – Why choose ours?
Here are the key points that could make a significant difference to our customers:

  • Livestock farming has been at the core of our family farming business for more than a century – inherent experience and dedication to detail
  • Our Brahman stud cattle are reared under extensive farming practices –  running also a large commercial herd sets the focus on market requirements
  • Our cattle are selected for adaptability – it is of cardinal importance to stay as close as possible to the production environments of our diverse clients
  • One of the largest Brahman stud herds in Southern Africa – a wide genetic pool to select from
  • Total herd is performance recorded with an official (BREEDPLAN Australia) recognized rating of 5 out of 5. Most reliable EBVs with high accuracy
  • Next to the focus on estimated breeding values (EBVs) we place great emphasis on structurally sound cattle supported by a compulsory inspection system
  • Targets are set for the total herd  genetic trend of each trait – these are monitored continuously and new stud sires are  selected meticulously – emphasis on fertility
  • Artificial insemination is part of our breeding strategy to get access to the best genetics world-wide and promote international genetic linkages. Semen used from RSA, USA and Australia
  • All young animals undergo ultra-sound carcasse scanning (male and female) to improve carcasse quality – the largest data set of any breed – meat quality test results (ARC laboratory Irene RSA) of slaughtered bulls show that we lead the Brahman pack
  • Each cow is evaluated and rated according to strict criteria based on structural soundness, performance recording data, docility, udder and navel score, fertility records, retention of progeny and total $ income of progeny – only the best are retained in our herd
  • The OKABRA BRAHMAN herd was awarded the Stud Breeder of the year award in Southern Africa among 12 cattle breeds by the Livestock Registration Federation (LRF) at the annual Stockman School
  • OKABRA BRAHMANS is co-founder and owner of the first real-time net-feed-intake test station to evaluate the feed efficiency of cattle under modern technology. We keep up with the latest developments to deliver the best there is to help our customers face the challenges of tomorrow!
  • OKABRA BRAHMANS has tested the most bulls (among all breeders of any breed) in Southern Africa for feed efficiency; the next generation of feed efficient cattle are born already. Another first in breeding technologies. For more information on this follow the link:
  • OKABRA BRAHMANS is part of the Beef Genomics Program to implement the next technological advancement based on genomic principles – all stud sires (and selected females) have been genotyped to set the basis for genomic enhanced EBVs, i.e. GEBVs

Our dedicated focus is, to increase the profitability of YOUR livestock production with the ultimate vision of an excellent meat quality product on the plates of consumers.